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Bhubaneswar - Orissa


"Discover the ancient temples, rich history, and natural beauty of Bhubaneswar - a city that's sure to captivate your heart and soul!"


Bhubaneswar is located in the eastern part of India, in the state of Odisha. Its geographical coordinates are 20.2961° N, 85.8245° E. The city is situated on the Mahanadi River Delta and is surrounded by hills and forests on three sides. It is located approximately 425 kilometers southeast of Kolkata and 1,300 kilometers southwest of New Delhi. Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is also situated in close proximity to the Bay of Bengal, with the coastal city of Puri located just 60 kilometers away.


Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is the capital city of the Indian state of Odisha, located in the eastern part of the country. It is a city with a rich cultural heritage, which is evident in its numerous temples, monuments, and museums. Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is also a rapidly growing modern city, with a bustling business district and a range of high-end shopping and dining options.


As of 2023, the population of Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is estimated to be around 1.649 million, making it one of the largest cities in eastern India. The city has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with its population increasing by over 45% in the last decade. The growth of Bhubaneswar's population can be attributed to the city's increasing prominence as a commercial and educational hub, as well as its status as a popular tourist destination. The city's population is diverse, with people from various parts of India and the world calling Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) their home.


The city is popularly known as the "Temple City of India," owing to its numerous ancient temples, some of which date back to the 7th century AD. The most famous among these is the Lingaraj Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is a major pilgrimage site for Hindus. Other notable temples in the city include the Mukteswara Temple, Rajarani Temple, and Ananta Vasudeva Temple.


Apart from temples, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is also known for its ancient caves. The Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves, located on the outskirts of the city, are a popular tourist attraction. These rock-cut caves were built in the 2nd century BC and served as dwelling places for Jain monks. The caves are adorned with intricate carvings and inscriptions, offering a glimpse into the life and culture of ancient India.


Bhubaneswar is also home to several museums that showcase the city's rich history and culture. The Odisha State Museum, located in the heart of the city, houses a vast collection of ancient sculptures, paintings, and artifacts from across the state. The Tribal Museum, on the other hand, showcases the tribal heritage of Odisha, with exhibits on tribal art, crafts, and way of life.


In recent years, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) has emerged as a major business and commercial hub in eastern India. The city has a thriving IT sector, with several major software companies having their presence here. Bhubaneswar is also home to some of the top educational institutions in the country, including the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER).


Apart from its rich cultural and historical heritage, Bhubaneswar is also known for its vibrant and cosmopolitan lifestyle. The city has a range of high-end shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes, offering a diverse range of cuisine and entertainment options. The Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar Art Trail, a public art initiative, has also been launched in recent years, with murals and installations adorning the city's walls and public spaces.


NOTE:Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is a city of contrasts - a perfect blend of ancient history and modern-day aspirations. It is a city that offers something for everyone - from pilgrims seeking spiritual solace to tourists seeking adventure and fun. With its rich heritage, modern amenities, and warm hospitality, Bhubaneswar is truly a gem in the crown of eastern India.




Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), also known as the Temple City of India, has a fascinating origin story. The city derives its name from the Sanskrit words "Bhuban" meaning "world" and "Iswar" meaning "lord" or "master". Together, these words mean "Lord of the World", and refer to the city's role as a center of religious and cultural activity.


According to legend, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) was founded by King Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva of the Eastern Ganga dynasty in the 11th century AD. The king is said to have discovered a lingam, or a representation of Lord Shiva, while he was on a hunting expedition in the area. He was so impressed by the beauty of the lingam that he decided to build a temple around it, and thus began the construction of the Lingaraj Temple, which is now one of the most famous temples in India.


Over time, the area around the Lingaraj Temple became a center of religious and cultural activity, attracting people from all over India. The city grew in size and importance, with several other temples and religious institutions being established in the area.


The city's strategic location on the banks of the Mahanadi River and its proximity to the coast made it an important center of trade and commerce. Merchants and traders from all over India and beyond came to Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) to buy and sell goods, contributing to the city's growth and prosperity.


NOTE:Today, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, known for its beautiful temples, rich cultural heritage, and modern amenities. The city continues to attract people from all over India and the world, and is a testament to the enduring power of faith, culture, and commerce.




Bhubaneswar has a rich and diverse history that spans over 3,000 years. The city was the capital of the ancient Kalinga kingdom, which was known for its maritime trade and military prowess. The Kalinga Empire was ruled by several dynasties, including the Mauryas, Satavahanas, and Eastern Gangas, all of whom contributed to the city's growth and development.


Bhubaneswar's importance as a religious and cultural center can be traced back to the construction of the Lingaraj Temple in the 7th century AD. The temple, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva, is one of the most famous temples in India and attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.


Over the centuries, several other temples and religious institutions were established in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), including the Mukteswara Temple, Rajarani Temple, and Ananta Vasudeva Temple. These temples are known for their exquisite architecture and intricate carvings, and are a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage.


In the medieval period, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) came under the control of the Eastern Gangas, who were known for their patronage of the arts and literature. The city became a center of learning and scholarship, with several great poets, scholars, and thinkers emerging from the region.


In the 16th century, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) came under the control of the Mughal Empire, who contributed to the city's growth and development by constructing several monuments and buildings. In the 18th century, the city came under the control of the Maratha Empire, who further contributed to its growth and prosperity.


In the 19th century, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) came under British rule, and the city underwent significant transformation during this period. The British established several administrative offices and institutions in the city, and Bhubaneswar became a major center of trade and commerce.


After India gained independence in 1947, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) became the capital of the newly formed state of Odisha. The city underwent rapid modernization and development in the post-independence period, with new residential and commercial areas being established.


NOTE:Today, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, known for its rich cultural heritage, modern amenities, and thriving IT and education industries. The city is a testament to the enduring power of history and tradition, and continues to attract people from all over India and the world.




Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), also known as the Temple City of India, has a rich and vibrant culture and heritage. The city is home to some of the finest examples of ancient and medieval architecture, including the Lingaraj Temple, Mukteswara Temple, Rajarani Temple, and Ananta Vasudeva Temple. These temples are known for their exquisite architecture, intricate carvings, and beautiful sculptures.


Bhubaneswar is also known for its classical dance form, Odissi, which originated in the state of Odisha. Odissi is a beautiful and graceful dance form that is characterized by intricate footwork, hand gestures, and facial expressions. The city is home to several dance academies and institutions that teach this beautiful art form to aspiring dancers.


The city's cuisine is another important aspect of its culture and heritage. Odia cuisine is known for its simple yet flavorful dishes, which are often made with locally sourced ingredients. Some of the most popular dishes in Bhubaneswar include dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew, chhena poda, a sweet made with paneer and caramelized sugar, and machha besara, a fish curry made with mustard paste.


Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is also home to several festivals and celebrations that are an important part of the city's cultural heritage. The most important festival in Bhubaneswar is the Rath Yatra, which is held every year in the month of June or July. The festival involves the procession of Lord Jagannath, his brother Balabhadra, and sister Subhadra on three large chariots, which are pulled by thousands of devotees.


Other important festivals in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) include Durga Puja, Diwali, Holi, and Raja Parba, a festival that celebrates the onset of the monsoon season. During Raja Parba, women dress up in traditional attire and celebrate the fertility of the earth by playing games, swinging on rope swings, and enjoying traditional foods.


NOTE:Bhubaneswar's culture and heritage are a beautiful blend of ancient and modern influences. The city's rich cultural heritage, coupled with its modern amenities and thriving industries, make it a unique and fascinating place to visit and explore.




Bhubaneswar is a diverse city, with people from various ethnic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds. The majority of the city's population is Odia-speaking, and the official language of the city is Odia. However, Hindi and English are also widely spoken and understood.


The people of Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) are known for their warmth, hospitality, and friendly nature. They take great pride in their cultural heritage and traditions, and are often seen celebrating festivals and participating in cultural events.


The city is also home to several universities and educational institutions, which attract students and scholars from all over India and the world. This has created a vibrant and cosmopolitan atmosphere in the city, with people from various backgrounds coming together to study, work, and live.


The people of Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) are also known for their love of food and cuisine. Odia cuisine is an important part of the city's cultural heritage, and people often gather together to share meals and celebrate festivals. The city is home to several street food stalls and restaurants that serve traditional Odia dishes, as well as international cuisine.


NOTE:The people of Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) are a diverse and welcoming community, known for their warmth, hospitality, and love of culture and tradition. They are a major reason why the city is such a vibrant and fascinating place to visit and explore.




Bhubaneswar is known for its rich cultural and architectural heritage, with several historical sites that are worth exploring.


Some of the most popular historical sites in Bhubaneswar include:


Lingaraj Temple: The Lingaraj Temple is one of the most important historical sites in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), and is considered a masterpiece of Odishan architecture. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is believed to have been built in the 11th century AD.


Mukteswara Temple: The Mukteswara Temple is another important historical site in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), known for its intricate carvings and beautiful architecture. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva and was built in the 10th century AD.


Rajarani Temple: The Rajarani Temple is a unique historical site in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), known for its unique architecture and sculptural art. It is believed to have been built in the 11th century AD.


Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves: The Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves are a complex of ancient rock-cut caves, believed to have been built in the 2nd century BC. They are known for their intricate carvings and beautiful sculptures.


Dhauli Hill: Dhauli Hill is an important historical site in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), known for its association with the great Kalinga War fought by Emperor Ashoka. It is believed to have been the site of Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism, and is now home to several Buddhist shrines and monasteries.


Odisha State Museum: The Odisha State Museum is a great place to explore the rich cultural and artistic heritage of the state of Odisha. It houses a vast collection of ancient sculptures, paintings, and artifacts, including some of the oldest surviving stone sculptures in India.


NOTE:These historical sites offer a glimpse into the rich cultural and architectural heritage of Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), and are a must-visit for anyone interested in history, art, and culture.




Bhubaneswar is a city that is steeped in culture and tradition, and as such, it is home to several festivals that are celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm.


Some of the major festivals celebrated in Bhubaneswar include:


Durga Puja: Durga Puja is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in Bhubaneswar, and is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga. It is celebrated in the month of October and is marked by the installation of beautifully crafted idols of the goddess in pandals throughout the city.


Rath Yatra: Rath Yatra is another important festival celebrated in Bhubaneswar, and is dedicated to Lord Jagannath. It is celebrated in the month of June or July and involves the procession of chariots carrying the idols of Lord Jagannath, his brother Balabhadra, and sister Subhadra through the streets of the city.


Diwali: Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm in Bhubaneswar. It is marked by the lighting of diyas and candles, the exchange of sweets and gifts, and the bursting of firecrackers.


Holi: Holi, the festival of colors, is celebrated in Bhubaneswar with great enthusiasm. It is marked by the throwing of colored powders and water, and the exchange of sweets and snacks.


Raja Festival: Raja Festival is a unique festival celebrated in Bhubaneswar and other parts of Odisha. It is dedicated to the worship of the mother earth, and is marked by the installation of swings, the eating of special delicacies, and the playing of traditional games.


NOTE:These are just a few of the many festivals celebrated in Bhubaneswar. Each festival has its unique cultural and religious significance, and provides an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate, and forge stronger bonds of community and friendship.




Bhubaneswar is a city that is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. The city is home to people from different parts of India, as well as from other countries. The ethnic diversity in Bhubaneswar can be seen in its food, language, and festivals.


The majority of the population in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is made up of Odias, who speak the Odia language and follow the Hindu religion. However, the city is also home to people from other parts of India, such as Bengalis, Marathis, Telugus, and Tamils, who have their own distinct languages and cultures.


In addition to this, Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is also home to a significant population of people from other countries, particularly from Southeast Asia and Africa. Many of these people come to Bhubaneswar for work or education, and contribute to the city's vibrant and diverse cultural landscape.


The ethnic diversity in Bhubaneswar is reflected in the city's cuisine, which offers a wide variety of dishes from different parts of India and the world. From traditional Odia delicacies like dalma and chhena poda, to popular Indian dishes like biryani and dosa, to international cuisines like Chinese and Italian, Bhubaneswar has something to offer for everyone.


NOTE:The ethnic diversity in Bhubaneswar adds to the city's charm and makes it a truly unique and fascinating place to live and visit.




Bhubaneswar is a city that is steeped in history, culture, and tradition, and as such, it is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. There are several attractions in Bhubaneswar that draw tourists, ranging from ancient temples and monuments to beautiful parks and museums.


Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Bhubaneswar:


Lingaraj Temple: Lingaraj Temple is one of the oldest and most important temples in Bhubaneswar, and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is renowned for its exquisite architecture and intricate carvings, and is a must-visit for anyone interested in Hindu mythology and culture.


Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves: Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves are a group of ancient rock-cut caves located on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar. They were originally built for Jain monks in the 2nd century BCE, and offer a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of the region.


Nandankanan Zoological Park: Nandankanan Zoological Park is a popular destination for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. It is home to a wide variety of animals and birds, including tigers, lions, elephants, and crocodiles, as well as several rare and endangered species.


Dhauli Hill: Dhauli Hill is a historic site located on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar, and is renowned for its ancient rock edicts that date back to the 3rd century BCE. It is also a popular spot for picnics and day trips, and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.


Odisha State Museum: The Odisha State Museum is a must-visit for anyone interested in the history and culture of Odisha. It is home to a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits, including ancient sculptures, coins, paintings, and textiles.


NOTE:These are just a few of the many tourist attractions in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar). Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature, or simply soaking up the local atmosphere, there is something for everyone in this beautiful city.




Bhubaneswar is a city that is well-connected to the rest of India and the world, and as such, traveling to and around the city is relatively easy.


Here are some of the main modes of transportation in Bhubaneswar:


Air: Biju Patnaik International Airport is located in Bhubaneswar, and is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. Several airlines operate daily flights to and from Bhubaneswar, making air travel a convenient option for tourists and travelers.


Rail: Bhubaneswar railway station is one of the busiest and most important railway stations in eastern India, and is well-connected to major cities in India. Several express and superfast trains operate from Bhubaneswar, making rail travel a convenient and affordable option for tourists.


Road: Bhubaneswar is well-connected to major cities in eastern India by road. The city is served by several national highways, including NH 16 and NH 20, and several state highways, making road travel a popular option for tourists.


Local transport: Bhubaneswar has a well-developed public transport system, with buses, taxis, and auto-rickshaws readily available throughout the city. Buses are the most popular mode of local transport, and are operated by the Odisha State Road Transport Corporation (OSRTC) and private operators.


Rental cars: Rental cars and taxis are also available in Bhubaneswar, and can be booked online or through local travel agencies. This is a convenient option for tourists who wish to explore the city at their own pace.


NOTE:Traveling in Bhubaneswar is relatively easy and convenient, thanks to its well-developed transportation infrastructure and network. Whether you are traveling by air, rail, road, or local transport, getting around in Bhubaneswar is a hassle-free experience.






Bhubaneswar is a popular tourist destination and a major commercial hub in eastern India, and as such, it offers a wide range of accommodation options for tourists and travelers.


Here are some of the main types of accommodation available in Bhubaneswar:


Hotels: Bhubaneswar has a large number of hotels, ranging from budget hotels to luxury hotels. The city has several international hotel chains, as well as several locally owned and operated hotels.


Guesthouses and lodges: Bhubaneswar also has several guesthouses and lodges, which offer affordable accommodation for tourists and travelers. These are a good option for budget-conscious travelers who want to stay in a central location.


Homestays: Homestays are becoming an increasingly popular option for tourists in Bhubaneswar. They offer a more authentic and personalized experience, as guests get to stay with local families and experience the local culture and way of life.


Service apartments: Service apartments are fully furnished apartments that are available for short-term and long-term stays. They are a good option for travelers who want more space and privacy than a hotel room, and who prefer the convenience of a fully equipped kitchen.


Resorts: Bhubaneswar also has several resorts, which offer a more luxurious and secluded experience for tourists. Many of these resorts are located on the outskirts of the city, and offer amenities such as swimming pools, spas, and fine dining restaurants.


NOTE:Bhubaneswar offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. It is advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist season, to ensure availability and get the best deals.





Bhubaneswar is known for its unique and delicious cuisine, which is a fusion of different culinary styles and flavors.


Here are some of the popular dishes and food items that you can try in Bhubaneswar:


Dalma: Dalma is a popular vegetarian dish made with lentils, vegetables, and spices. It is a staple dish in the local cuisine of Odisha and is commonly served with rice.


Chhena Poda: Chhena Poda is a popular dessert in Odisha, made with cottage cheese, sugar, and cardamom. It is baked in an earthen pot, which gives it a unique flavor and texture.


Pitha: Pitha is a type of sweet or savory cake, made with rice flour, jaggery, and coconut. It is a popular breakfast or snack item in Odisha.


Seafood: Bhubaneswar is located close to the coast, and as such, seafood is a popular item in the local cuisine. You can try dishes like fish curry, prawn fry, and crab masala at local restaurants.


Street food: Bhubaneswar has a vibrant street food scene, with several vendors selling delicious snacks like chaat, samosas, and pakoras. You can also try local specialties like bara ghuguni, which is a savory pancake made with lentils and chickpeas.


Odia thali: Odia thali is a must-try for foodies in Bhubaneswar. It consists of a variety of dishes like dalma, rice, curries, and vegetables, served on a traditional thali (plate).


NOTE:Bhubaneswar offers a diverse and delicious range of food options for tourists and travelers. Make sure to try some of the local specialties and street food items for an authentic culinary experience.




Bhubaneswar is a great place for shopping, with a variety of options for tourists and locals alike.


Here are some of the best places to shop in Bhubaneswar:


Ekamra Haat: Ekamra Haat is a popular shopping destination in Bhubaneswar, known for its handicrafts and handloom products. You can find a variety of items like textiles, pottery, jewelry, and wood carvings, all made by local artisans.


Unit 3 Market: Unit 3 Market is a popular market in Bhubaneswar, known for its clothing and accessories. You can find a variety of items like sarees, salwar suits, and jewelry, at affordable prices.


Master Canteen: Master Canteen is a bustling area in Bhubaneswar, known for its street vendors and shops selling a variety of items like clothing, accessories, and electronics. It's a great place to bargain and get good deals on your purchases.


Rajmahal Square: Rajmahal Square is a popular shopping destination in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), known for its handicrafts and souvenir shops. You can find a variety of items like stone carvings, brassware, and textiles, all made by local artisans.


Khandagiri Market: Khandagiri Market is a popular market in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), known for its leather goods and footwear. You can find a variety of items like bags, wallets, and shoes, at affordable prices.


Bapuji Nagar: Bapuji Nagar is a popular shopping destination in Bhubaneswar, known for its clothing and accessories. You can find a variety of items like sarees, salwar suits, and jewelry, at reasonable prices.


NOTE:Bhubaneswar offers a diverse range of shopping options, from traditional handicrafts to modern clothing and accessories. Make sure to bargain and compare prices before making your purchase, and don't forget to take home some souvenirs to remember your trip to Bhubaneswar.





Bhubaneswar is located in the state of Odisha, India, and has a tropical climate with hot and humid summers, and mild winters. The city experiences three major seasons, namely summer, monsoon, and winter.


The best time to visit Bhubaneswar is from October to March, during the winter season, when the weather is pleasant, and the temperatures are moderate. The average temperature during this period ranges from 16°C to 30°C, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.


The summer season in Bhubaneswar lasts from April to June, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 40°C. The heat and humidity during this period can be quite intense, making it uncomfortable for tourists.


The monsoon season in Bhubaneswar starts in July and lasts until September, with heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms. While the city may look beautiful during this period, the rainfall can sometimes disrupt travel plans, and certain areas may become inaccessible.


NOTE:The best time to visit Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) is from October to March, during the winter season, when the weather is pleasant and conducive for outdoor activities.




There are several tour operators in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) that offer a wide range of services, including customized tour packages, hotel bookings, transportation arrangements, and sightseeing tours.


Here are some of the top tour operators in Bhubaneswar:


Odyssey Tours and Travels

Heritage Tours and Travels

Odisha Tour Packages

Visit Odisha Tours and Travels

Royal Taxi Tours and Travels

Saisanjog Holidays

Travel Holidays India

Indian Visit

Trident Tours and Travels

Incredible India Tour and Travel


NOTE:These tour operators offer different types of tours, including cultural tours, adventure tours, wildlife tours, and pilgrimage tours, among others. Before choosing a tour operator, it's essential to do some research and read reviews from previous customers to ensure that they are reputable and reliable.




The official language of Bhubaneswar is Odia, which is also the official language of the state of Odisha. However, many people in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) also speak Hindi and English, especially in urban areas and tourist spots.


In addition to these three languages, there are also several other languages spoken by smaller communities and tribal groups in and around Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar). Some of these languages include Santali, Ho, and Mundari, among others.


It's worth noting that while English is widely spoken and understood in Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar), it's always a good idea to learn a few basic words and phrases in Odia or Hindi, especially if you plan to travel to rural areas or interact with locals who may not be fluent in English. This can help you connect better with the local culture and people and make your experience in Bhubaneswar more rewarding.




Bhubaneswar, the capital city of the Indian state of Odisha, can be reached by various modes of transportation.


Here are some of the ways to reach Bhubaneswar:


By air: Biju Patnaik International Airport in Bhubaneswar is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. You can take a direct flight to Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar) from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and other major cities.


By train: Bhubaneswar is well-connected to major cities in India by rail. Trains from cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad connect to Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar). There are several trains that operate on a daily basis.


By road: Bhubaneswar is connected to major cities in India by road. You can take a bus or hire a taxi from nearby cities like Kolkata, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, and Chennai to reach Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar).


By sea: The nearest port is the Paradip port which is about 135 km away from Bhubaneswar. You can take a taxi or a bus from Paradip to reach Bhubaneswar(Bizzlane in Bhubaneswar).


NOTE:Bhubaneswar is well-connected to major cities in India and can be easily reached by air, train, road, or sea depending on your preference and location.