Here's a good news for all the skilled / Unskilled Worker like,

Bike Taxi Delivery Boy Driver Electrician Plumber Carpenter Maids Gardner Raj Mistri Construction mason Construction Laborer AC Repair Laptop Repair Gas Stove Repair
Mobile Repair Motorcycle Repair Refrigerator Repair Washing Machine Repair Water Purifier Repair CCTV Camera Repair Tiles Worker POP Worker False Ceiling Worker Carpet Cleaner Tyre Puncture Repair Car Washing Barber
Generator Repair Geyser Repair Home Theatre Repair Sound Repair Microwave Oven Repair Printer Repair Projector Repair Water Purifier Repair Sewing Machine Repair Sofa Set Repair TV Repair Watch Repair e-Rickshaw

We are indexing all such people who had to return back to their hometowns in search of work due to pandemic or already working in City/Town. This is an initiative to get them in touch with the people in their city and get work when required.

All you have to do:

  • You can easily sign up online and fill in your details like Aadhar number, photo etc. These details get verified by the master franchise panel in your area and you get your profile activated within 24-48 hours. You can also Meet the master franchise panel in your area and get verified directly.
  • All the details entered by you shall be available with Bizzlane for any future reference. Any sort of criminal activity, dual IDs, fraudulent activity shall not be tolerated.
  • We are creating this platform for its usage by all those who are in need of work and support, so that they can make a living out of it.
  • We feel great to announce that we are creating job opportunities for people in need. Small towns having requirement for bike taxi drivers, delivery boys etc could have these people under us. Ones who feel eligible for the criteria could register with us for free and get work without giving any commission to the company.
  • This is our Vocal for Local concept for providing a boost to locals and giving them the opportunity for earning.
  • Check details below for your District Master Franchise and get register for Totally free!

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